Seeking Friends Book Sale Volunteers

Seeking Friends Book Sale Volunteers

Putting on a Friends book sale requires the effort of lots of people - we are currently looking for additional volunteers who are willing to join us in that effort.

Whether you can only help one time or are interested in helping at multiple sales throughout the year, we'd love to hear from you!

We are looking for volunteers to: (1) help set up the day before book sales, (2) cashier or provide other assistance on sale days, and (3) take down after book sales have finished.

Set up volunteers help unpack and organize the thousands of sale items the night before a sale. Set up generally takes around 3 hours.

People who have volunteered before during a sale may be asked to work as cashiers. New sale day volunteers will be asked to assist customers and make sure that sale items are displayed well. Volunteer shifts on sale days last 2 ½ - 3 hours.

Take down volunteers help pack up and store unsold items. Take down generally takes around 1 hour.

Being a book sale volunteer is a great way to show your support for the Mount Prospect Public Library and is a convenient way for students and other people who need to earn service hours to give back to their community.

If you are interested in volunteering with Friends book sales, we will work with you to find the days and times that work best with your schedule. People of all ages and abilities are welcome.

Click here to share your contact information and learn more about being a Friends volunteer.
